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The Naked Flower
Life Made Beautifully Simple
Are you looking for an inspiring, idea filled workshop for your group or business? We offer several interactive Zoom workshops that teach new ways to think about your stuff! These workshops are designed to increase efficiency, reduce clutter and provide critical tools to help you become more organized. In a busy world full of stuff and commitments, it is possible to create more order! These workshops are fun, informative and a great kick start to making positive changes in your space. Inspire your workplace, mom's group, or social club. We welcome the opportunity to work with any size group. All of our workshops include time for Q&A.
Simple Steps to Getting Organized
Big Families - Big Clutter
Spring/Fall Cleaning
Categorial Clutter Control
How Mess Affects Your Mission
A Parent's Guide to Organizing
Get Organized in the New Year
Organizing Through Transitions
Back to School Organization
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